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Secrets of the Tarot: An Interactive Exploration of the Passover Exodus Story Through the Iconic Moon Card

By Secrets of the Tarot: An Interactive Exploration of the Passover Exodus Story Through the Iconic Moon Card

Published Mar 30, 2023


Secrets of the Tarot: An Interactive Exploration of the Passover Exodus Story Through the Moon Tarot Card

1650 was one of the darkest moments in Jewish history.

Jews were forbidden from living in England due to the Edict of Expulsion of 1290 declared by King Edward I.

The exile of all Jews from France, declared by King Charles IV in 1394, continued unabated and forced the remnant of French Jewish life to become entirely covert.

In Italy, by order of Papal decrees, Jews were living in ghettos, and required to wear hats and badges of public shame.

Cossacks began to inflict a ruthless series of pogroms on Poland’s emerging Ashkenazi Jewish population.

Many began to openly doubt the long-term survival of the Jewish people.

It was in this year that a French artist transformed the 22 picture cards of traditional Italian Tarot into a new set of enigmatic images with a secret purpose.

Now, on Passover, as we think of the Israelite’s oppression and the Exodus story, we can look to the Tarot’s iconic Moon Card for the Passover story.

Interact with the Card Through Augmented Reality

Explore the Exodus story with the App. Download NOW, direct your camera phone to the card on the left, and watch the card come to life!


Download the app for iPhone here.

Download the app for Android here.

About Secrets of the Tarot + Behind the Making of the App

(3 min) Secrets of the Tarot blends history, art, and cutting-edge visual technology in a unique presentation revealing the 400-year-old lost, forgotten, and secret Judaic origins of the world-famous Tarot de Marseille.

The Torah in the Tarot cards is a reproduction of the 22 major arcana of The Jean Noblet Tarot de Marseille, created in France circa 1650, with an explanation of the Hebrew letters, Judaic ritual objects, Torah stories & Jewish holy days hidden in its images. The original, intended, and forgotten meanings of the cards are revealed when examined through the lens of traditional Judaism.

Presenting the lens-shattering, symbolic vision of tarot theorist Stav Appel, the Secrets of the Tarot experience uncovers a story of crypto-Judaism as the work centers on the discovery of profound Judaic symbolism hidden within the cards of the Tarot de Marseille, an icon of French cultural antiquity.


About the team:

Jonathan Prince Studio / Berkshire House is home to JPS Digital, the art and technology projects division of Jonathan Prince Studio.

Jewish Arts Collaborative (JArts) explores and celebrates the diverse world of Jewish art, culture, and creative expression.

Stav Appel is the author of Torah in the Tarot and a lifelong Torah scholar.


I Spy...

Can you find the 3 matzot in the card?

A Secret History

How much did you know about Tarot before now? Did you ever see it as "Jewish"? Why or why not?

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