Siddur Davar Ḥadash Is for Everybody: The Inclusive Siddur Project
By brin solomon
Published Sep 27, 2022

Evolving Shabbat Liturgy

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to pray using Hebrew that lives beyond the gender binary? Have you ever bristled against language in psalms that demean disabled people and wondered what psalms that valued all bodies could be like? The Inclusive Siddur Project gifts us evolved Friday evening liturgy using a modified version of the Nonbinary Hebrew Project‘s third-gender system.
Download your free copy here.
brin solomon is a queer writer and musician.
Have any prayers in the liturgy ever made you felt included or excluded from Jewish community?
How do you balance preserving tradition with "evolving with the times" in your own life?
If you were to write a new prayer for the Friday evening prayer service, what would it be?
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