The Two Lives of Rube Goldberg
By The Center for Arts and Culture at JCC Association
Published Dec 12, 2022

The Two Lives of Rube Goldberg
Join JCC Association for this JFest film event about legendary cartoonist Rube Goldberg (1886-1970), an American born son of German Jewish immigrant parents. Goldberg was one of the great cultural icons and storytellers of the 20th Century. His drawings of unwieldy fantasy inventions became a fixture of American popular entertainment and cemented his reputation as one of the most influential satirists of The Machine Age. In “The Two Lives of Rube Goldberg,” director Geoffrey George (Goldberg’s youngest grandchild,) explores Rube’s life, as well as the influence of his legacy, which inspires unexpected journeys and new generations of creative thinkers today.
Login to Virtual J to watch the film.
All programs and events for JFest: An Arts Festival for the JCC Movement are made possible through funds granted by The Covenant Foundation, with additional support from The Pertzik Fund for Arts and Culture.
About JFest Story Machine

Jewish tradition is one of curiosity, questioning, and engaging with the daily world, such that the individual is transformed in their understanding of themselves. What may appear at a first glance to be simple and straightforward, may in fact be deeply layered, revealing complexity as it is deconstructed.
Rube Goldberg’s life and legacy amplifies this notion for us too. Inspired by this remarkable Jewish visionary, we looked more deeply into a tradition that fosters curious minds, creating spaces for stories to be shared and held. And, we crafted this space, so that it might spark your creative memory, and help you capture important pieces of your own unexpected journey.
The stories we tell make our communities stronger. We continue to promote our vision, our collective Story of Home, by continuing to tell our stories and inviting our communities to tell and share theirs. Thank you for contributing to the “JFest Story of Home”, and for sharing your stories.
Contribute your own stories here.
The Center for Arts and Culture at JCC Association of North America is a continent-wide initiative to build a connected community of learners and practitioners at Jewish Community Centers and Camps, as well as their extended communities.
The JFest StoryMachine helps inspire creative thinking, personal reflection, and community building. It invites us to recall and share our personal stories, and how they impact us and
those around us. The StoryMachine prompts discussion around three main themes:
How You Tell Your Story
How Others Tell Your Story
How History Tells Our Story
Jump into the JFest Story Machine and explore the nine prompts that invite you to tell your story and populate our digital anthology.
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